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Nordic Milsim’s Minimilsim series has long bridged the gap between casual skirmishes and full-scale milsim events, offering an accessible introduction to milsim. However, as we’ve expanded into immersive multi-day events, the differences between Minimilsim and our vision of “real” milsim became clear.


Feedback from the 2024 season highlighted a shared desire for fresh challenges and innovation while preserving the series’ core strengths of teamwork and strategy. Inspired by Battlefield 4, BF4 Simulator (BF4-Sim) reimagines the format with Conquest, Rush, and Domination game modes, blending dynamic gameplay with airsoft realism.


The goal of this evolution is that  our 2025 events remain exciting, engaging, and true to Nordic Milsim’s mission.



Introducing: BF4 Simulator (BF4-Sim)

For the 2025 season, we’re thrilled to announce the evolution of the Minimilsim series into the BF4 Simulator (BF4-Sim). This new series builds on the foundation of what made Minimilsim great, refining and rebranding it into something even more dynamic and exciting.

The BF4-Sim series will feature three unique game modes, inspired by the gameplay structure of Battlefield 4 while adapted for the immersive and strategic demands of airsoft:

  1. Conquest:
    Engage in battles for domination points spread across the area of operations (AO). Players can respawn at captured points, encouraging teamwork, strategy, and large-scale movements. This mode will feel familiar to fans of the original Minimilsim format.

  2. Rush:
    Work together to take control of objectives in a specific sequence. Intense firefights, coupled with strategic depth and teamwork, make this a heart-pounding experience.

  3. Domination:
    A smaller-scale mode similar to Conquest, but without uncapturable bases. Players cannot respawn at control points but will instead spawn around the map or on squadmates. With only three objectives in closer proximity, this mode emphasizes quick strategy and fast-paced action.


Nordic Milsim’s Unique Touch

While BF4-Sim takes inspiration from Battlefield 4, it’s far from a simple adaptation. We’re committed to tailoring the experience for airsoft, incorporating elements that fit the physical, tactical, and teamwork-driven nature of our events. This ensures a format that is both nostalgic and uniquely Nordic Milsim, offering something truly exciting for every player.



Airsoft games rely on players adhering to a shared set of rules that form the foundation of each event. These rules are designed to ensure balance across all aspects of the game, from weapon classes to equipment. Furthermore, the rules are essential for maintaining safety while providing everyone with an exceptional experience!





Räddningsskolan located in Rosersberg is one of our unique venues for hosting airsoft games in a truly exceptional environment. The area is one of Sweden's largest training facilities for emergency services and offers varied terrain, including multi-story buildings for urban combat and vast forested areas with diverse topography—there’s something for everyone!

These games are designed for players who seek more than just shooting at their opponents, focusing on the overall experience. Expect varied missions, pyrotechnics, and game props beyond the ordinary. To succeed in these games, teamwork is key!

Nordic Milsim | Airsoft | Karta | Räddningsskolan SE


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Teams compete to control strategic domination points (control zones) spread across the area of operations (AO). The goal is to accumulate points by holding and defending these zones over time.

Gameplay Rules:


  1. Team Setup:

    • Players are divided into two equal teams, each with designated squads (e.g., Alpha, Bravo, Charlie).

    • A team commander may be appointed to coordinate strategy and movement.

  2. Control Points (Domination Zones):

    • The AO contains 4 control points, each marked with visible flags, beacons, or physical markers.

    • Each control point has digital ID-tags to capture the objective.

  3. Capturing Control Points:

    • A control point is captured when a team has successfully held the ID-tag at the box for x amount of time.

    • Once captured, the point begins generating score for the team that holds it.

  4. Respawn Rules:

    • Players respawn at captured control points owned by their team or at a team-designated main base if no points are held.

    • If a control point is under attack or contested, respawns at that point are temporarily disabled.

  5. Scoring:

    • Teams earn points based on the number of control points held at regular intervals (e.g., 1 point per control point every 1 minutes).

    • The team with the highest score at the end of the game wins.

  6. Game Duration:

    • Games are played for the entire event duration, with no pauses.

    • The team with the highest score at the end of the event is declared the winner.

Key Game Mechanics:

  1. Strategic Movements:
    Teams must prioritize between attacking, defending, and reinforcing control points to maintain dominance across the AO.

  2. Teamwork:
    Effective communication and coordination between squads are critical for success, emphasizing the importance of working together.

  3. Dynamic Battles:
    Control points create hotspots for intense battles, while teams must also account for flanking and mobility to outmaneuver opponents.

  4. Enhancement through mission sets and perks:

During the game teams are assigned missions to solve as well as the ability to collect perks through our in game interface Ares Alpha, such as UAVs and EMPs.

Victory Conditions:

  • The team with the most points at the end of the match wins.

  • In the event of a tie, the team controlling the most points when time expires is declared the winner.


Overall Game Rules


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Teams battle to either attack or defend a series of objectives in a sequential order. The attacking team must capture each objective to advance, while the defending team strives to prevent them from progressing.


Gameplay Rules:

  1. Team Setup:

    • Players are divided into two teams: Attackers and Defenders.

    • Teams may have designated commanders to coordinate overall strategy.

  2. Objective Points:

    • The AO contains 3-5 objectives set in a linear progression (e.g., Alpha → Bravo → Charlie).

    • Attackers must capture objectives in sequence, while defenders aim to hold their ground.

  3. Capturing Objectives:

    • To capture an objective, attackers must hold and defend an Ares Alpha box for 3 minutes.

    • Once captured, the attackers recive 100 points and game pauses for 5 minutes.

    • After capture, and 5 min admin pause, attackers may assault the next objective.

  4. Defending Objectives:

    • Defenders aim to hold each objective until the time for that phase runs out (e.g., 20-30 minutes per objective).

    • If they succeed, the round ends, and defenders are awarded 100 points.

    • After the time limit runs out, there will be a 5 min admin pause and defenders need to move to defend the next objective.

    • Attackers start their assault on the next objective after the 5 min admin pause, no matter if the defenders succesfully defended the previous one or not.

  5. Respawn Rules:

    • Attackers respawn at a forward base or a designated mobile respawn point (if available). The previous objective will act as the respawn point once that phase has ended.

    • Defenders respawn at any of the objectives behind the current phase one..

  6. Scoring:

    • Attackers earn points for capturing each objective (100 points).

    • Defenders earn points for every objective defended (100 points)

    • The game ends when either all objectives are captured, or time runs out with defenders holding their ground.

  7. Game Duration:

    • Each round lasts 90-120 minutes, depending on the number of objectives. Teams switch roles after the first round, and total scores determine the winner.​


Key Game Mechanics:

  1. Sequential Gameplay:
    Attackers must advance through objectives in order, creating high-pressure battles at each point.

  2. Team Coordination:
    Both teams need strong communication and strategy. Attackers must coordinate assaults, while defenders must adapt to prevent breaches.

  3. Dynamic Shifts:
    As objectives are captured or defended, the battlefield shifts, forcing teams to adjust tactics in real-time.


Victory Conditions:

  • Overall points to each side.


Overall Game Rules




Teams compete to control a small number of closely placed objectives (control points) within the AO. Unlike Conquest, there are no uncapturable bases, and players cannot respawn directly at control points, creating a fast-paced, action-packed environment.


Gameplay Rules:

  1. Team Setup:

    • Players are divided into 2-3 teams, each working to dominate the control points.

    • Teams may appoint a commander or squad leaders to organize strategies.

  2. Control Points:

    • The AO contains 3-4 objectives positioned close to each other, encouraging intense engagements.

    • Objectives are marked with visible flags, beacons, or other markers to designate capture zones.

    • Each control point has digital ID-tags to capture the objective.

  3. Capturing Control Points:

    • A control point is captured when a team has successfully held the ID-tag at the box for x amount of time.

    • Once captured, the point begins generating score for the team that holds it.

    • Control points can be recaptured at any time, keeping the battle dynamic and fast-paced.

  4. Respawn Rules:

    • Players respawn either at a main respawn or at a squad member.​

      • 1. Respawn at a main respawn is instant.

      • 2. Respawn on a squad member is 5 minutes

      • 3. Respawn on a squad member is not allowed if they are inside an overhead structure.

      • 4. Respawn on a squad member is not allowed 50M or closer to a domination point.

      • 5. When respawning on a squad member, neither the respawning player nor the squad member being used as the respawn point can move or fire their weapons.

      • 6. Respawning on a squad member can be canceled, allowing the squad member to move and fire again. However, canceling the respawn will reset the respawn timer for the player attempting to respawn.

    • Respawning at control points is not allowed.

  5. Scoring:

    • Teams earn points for every minute they hold a control point.

    • The more control points a team holds, the faster their score increases.

    • The first team to reach the point limit or the team with the most points when time expires wins.

  6. Game Duration:

    • Matches are typically 90-120 minutes long.


Key Game Mechanics:

  1. High-Intensity Combat:

    • The smaller map scale and proximity of objectives lead to non-stop action and shorter travel times.

  2. Dynamic Control:

    • Control points change hands quickly, requiring teams to adapt to shifting battlefield conditions.

  3. Team Strategy:

    • Coordination between squads is critical to maintain control while also defending against counterattacks.


Victory Conditions:

  • The team with the most points at the end of the game is the winner.

  • If a point limit is reached (e.g., 200 points), the game ends immediately, declaring the leading team the winner.


Overall Game Rules


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Nordic Milsim | Airsoft | Milsim | SE | Stockholm
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