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Game Plan Räddningsskolan 6/4

Writer's picture: Nordic MilsimNordic Milsim

Updated: May 17, 2024



08:00-09:00 check-in NOTE: We do not admit any players after Check-in closes

09:20-09:45 Breifing

10:00-15:30 Game

15:40-16:00 Debreif

You need to have done this before the game MANDATORY

  • Registration: Click here (Here you can also see practical information, prices times etc.)

  • Read through our rules rules, NOTE: Rule additions & changes have been added in 2024 (We will ask you about rules at check-in): read here

  • Bring a red armband and a blue armband (regardless of whether you have been placed in a team)

  • Bring a white gauze pad/wrap, minimum size 8x400cm Sold at site for 30 SEK.

  • Bring a hit cloth with you

  • Download the app Telegram (required for communication within the team and taking part in missions) Google play: Click here App store: Click here

  • Download the app Ares Alpha (Se live in-game map and execute missions) Google play: Click here App store: Click here

  • Bring something to store water in

  • Bring food, we have for sale (no break for lunch, we eat in the field during games and your peers can't afford you disappearing for an hour)

  • Make sure all your equipment is working

IMPORTANT: Arrive on time, we will NOT let players in after 09:00 when check-in closes


  • All players can heal a teammate 1 time!

  • If you get hit the first time after leaving respawn, you have the opportunity to be healed by all players.

  • Heal is done by having a comrade wrap your entire medical bandage (8x400cm) around your arm.

  • If you get hit a second time (when you have your white bandage wrapped & tied around your arm) you can no longer be healed and must return to re-spawn, after which you can be healed again.

  • Dedicated medics REMOVED

  • NOTE: New rules for ballistic helmets and body armor (read rules).


  • You will be hit - shout hit clearly and distinctly. Whoever shot you should know you were hit!

  • Put on a dathrag/hit cloth.

  • You call for a paramedic/medic

  • A comrade comes up and takes your healthcare bandage from you.

  • Take off the deathrag, you are now a target again (even while your comrade is wrapping the bandage)

  • Once the entire bandage is wrapped around your arm and secured with a knot, you're back in the fight!

  • No more than 20cm of bandage may hang loose.

Medic bandages must be at least 8x400cm, without these you cannot be healed. Bring your own or buy a personal one from us for SEK 30


  • Green dashed area: Safezone, safety glasses still to be worn but no firing of weapons.

  • NOTE: South safezone is not in use and is not subject to any travel restrictions!

  • Blue square with text RS: Blue main respawn

  • Red square with text RS: Red main respawn

  • Orange/yellow square with black number: Domination point (DP)

  • Red circle: Artillery zone

  • Green circle: Re-group zone

  • Red number: UPK point

  • White line: Height curve

  • Orange area between G-E 4-5: Do not tread!

  • Orange circle (F 8-9, G 8-9): Not used, no restrictions!

Map is assigned at Check-in (please bring your own plastic pocket)

Main mission

Domination point (DP)

  • On the map there are 4 DP marked, these are strategically important points to take control of the area. At these points there is a green box. Take over the point by placing the tag with your team color on the area marked "tag". This gives your team points and control of the area. 1 minute = 1 point

  • The point will change to the color that matches the team that controls the point in the Ares Alpha app.

  • The points will close at specified times, whoever controls the point at shutdown will be awarded 100 extra points + the location will become a permanent respawn point for your team.

Closing times

DP 1 - 11:30

DP 2 - 13:00

DP 3 - 14:00

DP 4 - 15:30

Side missions

  • During the game, missions will be assigned by the game management.

  • Each mission is worth 300 points upon complete and approved execution (equivalent to holding a domination point for 5 hours).

  • Missions can be carried out in areas not covered by the game map.

  • The missions affect the game progression more than just points upon execution. Successful missions can provide strategic advantages to the own team and more firepower further into the game.

  • The missions are carried out through the Ares Alpha app; the app is required to collect points for the missions.

  • The missions will be obtained through QR codes scanned via Ares Alpha. The QR codes for the missions are initially located in the team's main respawn. However, they cannot be activated at all times. Activation time is indicated on each QR code.

  • Some missions consist of multiple steps; one code may lead to another with further instructions.

  • It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to have a pen and notepad to write down important information received through the QR codes.


Main respawn: Directly - get to the location, when you reach it you can return to the battle directly.

Domination point closed by your team: Every 15th minute, you can respawn at this location every time the clock ticks XX:00, XX:15, XX:30, XX45.

Indirect fire (artillery)

In the game, teams can access indirect fire (artillery). This can come in several different forms.

Mortars (MOR): The mortar provides additional firepower by being able to operate against specific areas on the map, these areas are marked by a red circle with the name "artillery zone X" (X replaced by a number for the specific firing area).

Mortars are provided by the organizer (through the game's setup), but are manned and transported by the players themselves. The ammunition for the mortar is provided by the organizer (through the game's setup), but is transported and used by the players themselves.

Ammunition is simulated by small pyro-rockets. (The rocket flies approximately 30-50m). Ammunition is limited!

To fire the mortar:

• Place the mortar near the zone you want to fire upon.

• Aim the mortar at an upward angle so the rocket explodes above and in the zone you want to target.

• Ensure the mortar has a clear shot upwards.

• Ignite the rocket and drop it into the mortar's "barrel".

• Shout loudly "FIRE!"

• Repeat to fire a total of THREE rounds.

Mortars may not fire upon a zone later than 20 minutes before the point within the zone closes. In other words, if you want to target zone 1, it must be done no later than 11:10. Otherwise, the indirect fire will not count and will have no effect.

Effect: All players within the artillery zone that has been fired upon are considered exposed to indirect fire. Exceptions apply to players who:

  1. Are sheltered inside a closed building (not closer than 2m from the nearest opening, window, etc. In other words, if you are inside a building but standing 1.5m from an open door or window, you are still considered exposed to indirect fire).

  2. Are dug in a bunker, foxhole.

All players exposed to indirect fire are temporarily out of action, but not hit. Temporarily out-of-action players put on a hit cloth and must regroup outside the green circle named "re-group Z X" (X replaced by a number for the specific firing area).

Regrouping can take place anywhere outside the zone with the following exceptions:

• There is no ongoing battle at the location.

• There are no opponents visible closer than 100m from the location.

• There are no missions underway closer than 500m from the location.

Outside the zone, these players need to wait, stationary, at the same location for a short respawn time (5 minutes), with a hit cloth on.

During the regrouping phase, players are subject to the same rules as if they were hit. No shooting, no sharing information.

After 5 minutes, these players can return to the game from the place where they regrouped.

Respawn is considered complete when you remove the hit cloth, no earlier than after 5 minutes.

In the event that an opponent detects you during your stationary regrouping phase, you need to regroup again to a different location, with a new 5-minute respawn time, regardless of how long you have waited so far.

Rule updates

  • Blue armband is used instead of yellow.

  • Dedicated medics removed.

  • Bleedout now mandatory for 5 minutes.

  • New rules regarding indirect fire (artillery).

  • New rules for ballistic helmets & body armor.

  • Mandatory chrono of weapons.


Teams have the freedom to communicate with each other as they see fit, and there are no requirements for you as a player to participate in any of the game's communication channels. However, based on our previous events, we have clearly observed that the team with the most effective and clear communication, reaching the majority of players, is the team that will have the deepest gaming experience and the greatest chance of winning the game.

Communication occurs in two different ways throughout the game:


Telegram is an encrypted messaging application that functions much like other chat features. We choose to use Telegram for several reasons: firstly, to allow those without their own radios to communicate with other players, and secondly, because radio communication is limited.

The downside of Telegram is that you need access to a smartphone, and it can be disruptive to have to check your phone to see what's happening, as you do not receive the same immediate response as with a radio.

However, Telegram allows you to reach a larger number of people without being disturbed by radio noise or constant chatter via radio. Additionally, the app is not limited by antennas or terrain.

Radio channels



• Kanal 1 – 446,00625 MHz.

• Kanal 2 – 446,01875 MHz.

• Kanal 3 – 446,03125 MHz.

• Kanal 4 – 446,04375 MHz.

• Kanal 5 – 446,05625 MHz.

• Kanal 6 – 446,06875 MHz.

• Kanal 7 – 446,08125 MHz.

• Kanal 8 – 446,09375 MHz.


• Jakt 1 – 155.425

• Jakt 2 – 155.475

• Jakt 3 – 155.500



• Kanal 9 – 446,10625 MHz.

• Kanal 10 – 446,11875 MHz.

• Kanal 11 – 446,13125 MHz.

• Kanal 12 – 446,14375 MHz.

• Kanal 13 – 446,15625 MHz.

• Kanal 14 – 446,16875 MHz.

• Kanal 15 – 446,18125 MHz.


• Jakt 4 – 155.525

• Jakt 5 – 156.000

• Jakt 6 – 155.400

• Jakt 7 – 155.450


Tel. 0708780439


• Kanal 16 – 446,19375

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