Event info
08:00-09:00 Check-in NOTE: We do not admit any players after Check-in closes
09:20-09:45 Briefing
10:00-15:30 Game
15:40-16:00 Debreif
You need to have done this before the game MANDATORY
Registration: click here (Here you can also see practical information, prices times etc.)
Read through our rules rules, NOTE: Rule additions & changes have been added in 2024 (We will ask you about rules at check-in): read here
Bring a red armband and a blue armband (regardless of whether you have been placed in a team)
Bring a white gauze pad/wrap, minimum size 8x400cm
Bring a hit cloth
Download the app Telegram (required for communication within the team) Google play: click here App store: click here
Download the Ares Alpha app (required to view the real-time map and perform missions) Google play: click here App store:click here
Bring something to store water in
Bring food, we have for sale (no break for lunch, we eat in the field during games and your peers can't afford you disappearing for an hour)
Make sure all your equipment is working
IMPORTANT: Arrive on time, we will NOT let players in after 09:00 when check-in closes
All players can heal a teammate 1 time!
If you get hit the first time after leaving respawn, you have the opportunity to be healed by all players.
Heal is done by having a comrade wrap your entire medical bandage (8x400cm) around your arm.
If you get hit a second time (when you have your white bandage wrapped & tied around your arm) you can no longer be healed and must return to re-spawn, after which you can be healed again.
NOTE: New rules regarding ballistic body armor and helmets (possibility of extra medical bandage, see rules).
Medic process
You are hit - shout hit clearly and distinctly. Whoever shot you should know you were hit!
Put on a dathrag/hit cloth.
You call for a medic
A comrade comes up and takes your healthcare bandage from you.
Take off the deathrag, you are now a target again (even while your comrade is wrapping the bandage)
Once the entire bandage is wrapped around your arm and secured with a knot, you're back in the fight
No more than 20cm of bandage may hang loose.
Medic bandages must be at least 8x400cm , without these you cannot be healed. Bring your own or buy a personal one from us for SEK 30
LEGEND (legend map)
Green dashed area: Safezone, safety glasses still to be worn but no firing of weapons.
Blue pentagon: Blue main respawn
Red pentagon: Red main respawn
Pink/white square with white number: Domination point (DP)
Red circle: Indirect fire zone
Green circle: Regroup zone (for indirect fire)
Yellow number: UPK point
White line: Height curve
Orange area between DH - 8-12 Do not tread!
Map is assigned at Check-in (please bring your own plastic pocket)
Main mission
Domination point (DP)
On the map there are 4 DP marked, these are strategically important points to take control of the area. At these points there is a box. Take over the point by placing the tag with your team color on the box marked "tag". This gives your team points and control of the area.
The domination point will change to the color that matches the team that controls the point in the Ares Alpha app.
The domination points will close at specified times, whoever controls the point at shutdown will be awarded extra points + the location will become a permanent respawn for your team.
Closing & counting of points
DP 1 - 11:30 - Scoring: 1 min = 8 points, max - 720 (+ 100 at closing)
DP 2 - 13:00 - Scoring: 1 min = 6 points, max - 720 (+ 150 at closing)
DP 3 - 14:00 - Scoring: 1 min = 3 points, max - 720 (+ 100 at closing)
DP 4 - 15:30 - Scoring: 1 min = 2 points, max - 640 (+ 200 at closing)
Side missions
For this game, we will focus on the players becoming comfortable with the new system from Ares Alpha and the new rules for the 2024 season. We will therefore not have any side missions during the game, but all play will go through domination points. To make the game more interesting and fun, the points will have different values from each other in terms of scoring.
Main respawn: Direct - get to the location, when you reach it you can return to the battle directly.
Domination point closed by your team: Every 15 minutes, you can respawn at this location every time the clock shows XX:00, XX:15, XX:30, XX45.
Players thus get respawn as soon as the point is closed!
Indirect fire (artillery)
In the game, the teams can have access to indirect fire (artillery). This can come in several different designs.
Mortar (MOR): The mortar provides extra firepower by being able to target specific areas on the map, these areas are marked by a red circle with the name artillery zone X (X replaced by a number for the specific shelling area).
Mortars are provided by the organizer (through the game structure), but are manned and transported by the players themselves.
The ammunition for the mortars is provided by the organizer (through the game structure), but is transported and used by the players themselves. The ammunition is simulated through smaller pyro-rockets. (The rocket travels about 30-50m).
The ammo is limited!
To shoot with mortar:
· Place the mortar near the zone you want to shell.
· Aim the mortar at an angle upwards so that the rocket explodes above and in the zone you want to shell.
· Make sure the mortar has a clear field of fire diagonally upwards.
· Light the rocket and drop it into the mortar tube.
· Shout loudly "FIREING!"
· Repeat to fire a total of THREE shots.
Mortars may not shell a zone later than 30 minutes until the point located in the zone closes. I.E. If you want to shell zone 1, it must be done no later than 11:00. Otherwise, the indirect fire does not count and has no effect.
All players in the artillery zone that has been fired on are considered exposed to indirect fire. Exceptions apply to players who;
Are in shelter inside a closed building (no closer is 2m from the nearest opening, window, etc. That is, if you are inside a building but stand 1.5m from an open door or window, you are still considered exposed to indirect fire ).
Is buried in a bunker, foxhole.
All players exposed to indirect fire are temporarily knocked out, but not hit.
Temporarily knocked out players put on their hit cloth and are forced to regroup outside the green circle named "re-group ZX" (X replaced by a number for the specific firing range).
The regrouping may take place at any location outside the zone with the following exceptions:
· There is not an ongoing battle at the site.
· There are no opponents what you can see closer than 100m from the place.
· There are no ongoing missions closer than 500m from the site.
Outside the zone, these players need to wait, stationary, in the same location for a short re-spawn time (5 minutes), with hit cloth on.
During the regrouping phase, the players fall under the same rules as if they were hit. Do not shoot, do not share information.
After 5 minutes, these players may return to play from the location where they regrouped. Re-spawn is considered completed when you take off the hit cloth, after 5 minutes at the earliest.
In the event that an opponent detects you during your stationary grouping phase, you will need to regroup to another location, with a new 5 minute respawn time, regardless of how long you have waited so far.
Rule updates
Blue armband is used instead of yellow.
Bleedout now mandatory in the first 5 minutes.
New rules for ballistic helmets & body armor.
New rules regarding indirect fire (artillery)
Dedicated medic removed.
Mandatory croning of all weapons introduced.
The teams can communicate with each other as they wish and there are no requirements for you as a player to be part of any of the game's communication channels. However, we have clearly seen at our events that the team that has the best effective and clear communication with the majority of players on their side is the team that will have the deepest game experience and the greatest chance of winning the game.
Municipal action takes place in two different ways through the game:
Telegram is an encrypted chat application and works in much the same way as other chat functions. We choose to have Telegram as an alternative for several reasons, partly so that those who do not have their own radio can still communicate with other players, partly because radio is limited.
The disadvantage of Telegram is that you need to have access to a smartphone, it can also be a disturbing element to have to pick up the phone to see what is happening as you do not get the same direct response as via a radio.
However, you can reach many more without being disturbed by radio noise or constant talk via radio, while the app is also not limited by antennas and terrain.
Radio channels
• Channel 1 – 446.00625 MHz.
• Channel 2 – 446.01875 MHz.
• Channel 3 – 446.03125 MHz.
• Channel 4 – 446.04375 MHz.
• Channel 5 – 446.05625 MHz.
• Channel 6 – 446.06875 MHz.
• Channel 7 – 446.08125 MHz.
• Channel 8 – 446.09375 MHz.
• Hunt 1 – 155,425
• Hunt 2 – 155,475
• Hunt 3 – 155,500
• Channel 9 – 446.10625 MHz.
• Channel 10 – 446.11875 MHz.
• Channel 11 – 446.13125 MHz.
• Channel 12 – 446.14375 MHz.
• Channel 13 – 446.15625 MHz.
• Channel 14 – 446.16875 MHz.
• Channel 15 – 446.18125 MHz.
• Hunt 4 – 155,525
• Hunt 5 – 156,000
• Hunt 6 – 155,400
• Hunt 7 – 155,450
-Available on Telegram team chat
- Tel. 0708780439